137+ Google Color Palettes: Hex Codes, RGB & Meaning

The colors in Google's logo represent the company's playful and innovative spirit.

Google Colors






Google Color Palettes
























































































































































































































































































































































































Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Google color palette?

The Google color palette is a selection of colors used by Google in its various products and services. It includes four primary colors: blue, red, yellow, and green.

Why does Google use these specific colors in their palette?

Google uses these specific colors because they are bright, bold, and easily distinguishable. They help to create a consistent visual identity across all Google platforms and services.

Can I use Google's color palette for my own projects?

Yes, you can use Google's color palette for your own projects. However, it's important to remember that these colors are part of Google's brand identity, so they should not be used in a way that could cause confusion or imply endorsement by Google.

Where can I find the exact color codes for Google's color palette?

The exact color codes for Google's color palette can be found in Google's Material Design guidelines. These guidelines provide the hexadecimal, RGB, and CMYK values for each color.

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